Kids, you are an important part of our church family! We would love to have you join us for Sunday Worship, Children's Church, or any of the regular family and kids events we have going on throughout the week.

Children's Church & NUrsery
Kids, we love to having you worship with us!
We really believe that our kids are not the future of the church, but are an important part of our church family, right now. During the sermon, we host "Children's Church", age appropriate Bible lessons and activities for kids aged 3 to 3rd grade. Our hope is to help our kids cultivate a life of worship.
We offer nursery for the entirety of the service for little ones aged 0-3.
Kids, we love to having you worship with us!
We really believe that our kids are not the future of the church, but are an important part of our church family, right now. During the sermon, we host "Children's Church", age appropriate Bible lessons and activities for kids aged 3 to 3rd grade. Our hope is to help our kids cultivate a life of worship.
We offer nursery for the entirety of the service for little ones aged 0-3.
Children's Events
Ongoing Children's Events
Friday Playday
Join us each Friday for a play day at 10am. Check CTRKids Instagram for details!
Special Events
Keep an eye out for ongoing kid-friendly events.
Lending Library
Check out great resources for kids, available in the church foyer each Sunday.