CTR is committed to serving those inside and outside our community. We also serve together in ways that enable our weekly worship services and events to happen smoothly. We would love for you to join us in our call to serve.
Check out ways to serve below.
Check out ways to serve below.

Serve on Sundays
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Sunday worship services are a team effort. From setting up, to music, to caring for kids, everyone in our church family pitches in. As you get more involved with CTR, we would love to connect into ways to serve and help us make Sunday worship happen.
Serve With Our Mercy Team
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
CTR's Mercy Team exists to serve our neighbors, particularly those that are in vulnerable circumstances. The team seeks to lead the congregation in acts of service, mercy and justice. The team is currently providing a monthly meal to homeless and asylum seekers at the Motel 6 in Portland. If you are interested in serving with us, please get in touch with Pastor Josh, or sign up below.